Celebrations & Sunshine

We all travelled to the UK in July to extend and continue the celebration of life, with all of my Dads wonderful friends and family there. Without celebration, then perhaps it’s not a life being truly lived.

I know these cannons have indeed fallen so very silent of late, and for that I apologize. Life, as it does, has caught up with and galloped ahead of me. I am working at the pace of a drugged snail on the books I plan to write, and am instead letting them seed and grow in my head. Lovingly tended by time and the promise to write his story. I have, for a few years, kept a blog of my own, that I hid under the folds of the silent, unpublished internet. It is all about everything and sometimes nothing at all. This will likely be one of the last posts I make here, so please feel most fully welcomed to follow along the unchartered terrain over at www.iloveyouwithallmychicken.com

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From the truest depths of understatements, our family would like to simply say thank you, to everyone who was able to share a special and magically perfect day with us all, in a lush English field a few weeks ago.  It was a reunion of consciousness and love for a man, who either directly or indirectly, brought us all together. The collective distances travelled – and there were very many from far and wide – could hardly measure to the miles of love felt. 

I would be remiss to omit mentioning all the tireless and heartfelt help we got to make everything all happen. Big special thanks for the very practical help and planning from Jim and Ronnie Cross, Don and Judith Ogg, David Hyde and Nigel Amos, in setting up and taking down all the moving bits. Viv Wells, for her catering genius and for all who provided puddings, salads and yummy treats to share. Also to the tireless grilling and BBQ slinging of Doug, William and Guy who kept everyone very well fed. And a jazzy thanks to the wonderfully talented and entertaining Roger Wells and his Hotshots jazz band. 

And last but not least to the man we all love, Jim, for radiating in the sunshine, the smiles and the perfectly blue skies in a field full of family, friends, food and love. Thank you all for sharing this journey with us.We love you.




4 thoughts on “Celebrations & Sunshine

  1. Looks like a great time was had by all. Jim would have loved it. I have truly enjoyed reading your blog Tracy thru my tears and laughter you brought your dad to life. So many wonderful memories. I hope you write that book soon I am looking forward to it.

  2. i missed you!
    thank you for sharing this wonderful moment in time!
    through all of your blogs i came to meet a wonderful person as if i had known him for real! and of course your family, your very strong mom and your lovely sister.
    and thank you for sharing the link to your other blog.
    please don’t be silent! i love to read your beautiful prose.
    love you and miss you. hope to see you ladies soon.

  3. Awww it was a GREAT day and Jim made sure we had glorious weather to go with it. Fabulous food (especially the potato salad ;P ) and even MORE FABULOUS family and friends. xxx

  4. Thank you Tracey. The photographs were were absolutely lovely. I continue to keep you all in prayer.
    love and best wishes

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