Update 85 [my ma]

Some benefits of a country currently thrashing about in a Carnival time frenzy, are cheap, empty north bound flights. Mum, Trudy and the boys arrived in Toronto this weekend. The air is titivating around an unwelcoming -27 with windchill, but our home is warm and smells of fresh-baked cookies (thanks to Claudine). Our hearts and laughter are even warmer still. A fresh snow has fallen and I am looking forward to exploring the city with my nephews, to teach them the merits of not touching yellow snow. Snow pants and fleeces abound, we are ready to take on the world, one cookie at a time.


I realized that we fall too deeply into lamenting loss – human repetitive tendencies, so often forgetting to recall all that is not actually lost. Grief makes humans so contrary.

Having spent the past few months diarizing the magnitude of affection we have for our parent. I have grossly overlooked the truth that, we are blessed in family, where that word is plural. Great magnitude of affections abound for our parents.

She tucked us in every night. Sheets in fluffy cool sails flapping down on happy cozy kids. Bedtime songs and stories aplenty.

She taught me how to properly mix cement at a surprisingly early age and always proved that involvement and demonstration is the glue to memorable learning. Once your Mum shows you what actually happens when you put tin-foil in a microwave the thrill of sneaking some in there yourself really packs a tinnier punch.

What she lacks in the regular use of footwear, she makes up for in simultaneous use of multiple pairs of eyewear – reason unknown. Wearing one pair of spectacles at a time simply will not suffice. Invent your own path, pave it with kindness, determined hilarity and stick to it. (also don’t ever wear shoes)

She loved(s) us tirelessly.

Her indefatigable devotion to each one of us saw too many nights sleeping in many different hospitals, refusing to ever leave her family, ever. She always stayed until we left.

She is one of the most wonderfully unusual, fabulously eccentric, soul giving, bat-shit crazy slightly insane, loud mouthed, completely devoted, unconventional, family focused, life filled, hyperbole times twelve, humans we know. She willingly sacrificed so much just so her family would not have to, while wholeheartedly following the man she loved into every unknown adventure after the next.

She once opened the performance of a stage show – to a 250+ packed audience – by saying “Welcome, Ladies, Gentlemen… and Jim” the truth is that they were a true match made in crazy people heaven.

Nobody could have been a better co-conspirator and partner to my dad to help shape me into who I am, and more so, why I continuously strive to be better everyday.

Kareen Patricia Ann Craig, you are a stellar human being, we love you.


12 thoughts on “Update 85 [my ma]

  1. Tracy what a beautiful & touching tribute to your fantastic Mum & our cousin & neice so very special to us all lots of love to you & all the family Aunty Kay & Aunty Linda X X X O O O

  2. Some wonderful photos of a truly loving, kind, generous, funny, heart of gold, a true friend lady. Nice to hear your mum, sister and nephew’s have arrived safely. Have a wonderful time together and please give your mum our love, we have not managed to speak with her. X

  3. Loved the pictures ! have a great time together.
    Love from carnival crazy Trinidad !
    Thinking of you all

  4. Hilarious, Tracy, and lovely. But please I want to stop each picture and look closely. Help! I saw you snicking in those comments. Trudy will get her own back on you somehow. She can’t be adopted, she looks like her English aunt. And you are beginning to look like your Mother, so there.

  5. Trace, this is beauty through and through. You’re absolutely the (batshit crazy) awesomest friend/woman you are today for those who brought you up.
    Thank you to both of them from me!

  6. Kareen: It is so wonderful to be truly appreciated to such an amazing extent by your loving children ! That speaks tons for you ! Before they (your children) came into the world, some of us knew your incredible personality and strengths ! I feel like I have always known you; and Jim, from the moment I met him only about 12 years ago, quietly stole our hearts ! an unforgettable character ! He will be sadly missed by Richard and myself, but we will always be here for you (only a stone’s throw away) in Coblentz. Lol ! Enjoy your hols ! See you soon !

  7. It is a mother’s dream to have children who really appreciate and love us from a very special place in their heart, and when we have accomplished this as a mother, then this is truly THE MOST SPECIAL AND REWARDING GIFT OF ALL. :) BIG HUGS to all. xxx

  8. That’s one lucky mama and some very lucky daughters, grandkids, daughter-in-law and son-in-law… what a lovely tribute. blown away by your way with words yet again. Hope you had an amazing carnival weekend in the snow.

  9. Oh how I love this post :) Mainly because I do have the BEST GODMOTHER EVER! :) I love you, Aunty Kareen, and I love you Tracy for writing this beautiful post! <3

  10. That’s my ‘Priggleton Mary’….could not have said it better Tracey…..we all knew her before you were born and she has remained a very ‘special’ friend who has the ability to turn darkness into light…….so happy you all had time together…think of you all often and of course will never forget our ‘amazing Jimbo’…..

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