Update 50 [small humans & truancy]

Trudy just called and was happy to point out I have been hideously truant in my blog updating duties last night and this morning. I assured her that this was in direct correlation to the tractor load sheer quantity of wine that my friend Robyn and I consumed late into the night. Poor Aunty Lorna had to be subjected to our giggles and laughter while she tried to slumber. Wine flavoured laughter is the best medicine.

photo 3

Today is another good day. Dads mood and mindset is decidedly determined and incredibly upbeat, despite the multitude of odds. His will and spirit is going to be half of this battle and right now he is being very positive about it all.  This guy, seriously! When I grow up I want to be half as strong as he is, but with not as much facial hair.photo 1

He keeps saying, well mouthing, “I am going to get through this” Yes you are chap, yes you are. We had a mini photo shoot yesterday as someone requested a current photo of him to take to his prayer group on Sunday. We had to do several shots as he vetoed the 1st few on account of not thinking that they were taken on his good side. It struck me as quite remarkable to be vain even while having what looks like a snorkel coming out of ones neck.photo 2

I told him to smile, but with a modest appreciation of the sombreness of the situation, best not to look too happy and chipper. He of course made a series of totally ridiculous faces. We opted for a full body shot to make sure those toes were included in the prayers. We still need all the prayers we can get to keep the long and uncertain road of recovery smoothly paved.

Trudy and Lorna are at the hospital today and I am at home spending time with the small humans.  I took them swimming in the pool earlier, though I learned that swimming is a broad term to 2 and 6 year olds. The reality more involved a constant bombardment of naked boy children jumping and clambering on me while ensuring a steady spray of water made contact with my eyeballs, eardrums and inner nostrils. I soon observed that whatever exact section of water I happened to be in must have seemed most prime to them. A delightful time, was had by all. The tinier of the two humans is sleeping right now while I eat all the children snacks, nourish the entire mosquito population and let the other mini man-child endlessly watch cartoons. I got this whole parenting thing under my thumb, it is totes easy…photo 4

photo 5



7 thoughts on “Update 50 [small humans & truancy]

  1. Tracy it warms my heart to see that smile on Jim’s face….hook or crook I am coming by tomorrow….the days have been busy and honestly I think he needed the rest to start the healing…my Mom broke her neck last year as well so I can relate to the very difficult time that you are all going through…so happy to hear that his spirits and determination is there as that is all part of the healing process….you girls and your wonderful family is what is getting him through at this time….he is constantly in my thoughts and prayers and every night I send ‘the angels’ to watch over him…and all of you as well….great that you had a good ‘wine’ night’ that is always needed…give him my love and please tell my ‘priggleton friend’ that I have not been calling but she too is constantly in my thoughts and prayers….

  2. This has just made me totally laugh out loud…… it is wonderful to read how his mood is changing, becoming more upbeat, that’s fantastic, and it is all down to his amazing supportive and slightly crazy family. You are all awesome :)

  3. My very dear Tracy, ur dad will pass with winning colour because of the love he inspires. I will pass by the nursing home tomorrow. Besos y abrazos

  4. Dear Jim,

    You looked so much better yesterday. Every day you are getting better.

    We went to pick up Caroline yesterday, she’s here for Christmas. We are going to tobago tomorrow, back on Boxing Day. We will try to see you on Boxing Day or the day after. We are leaving for Switzerland on the 30th December. We will be thinking of you knowing you will join us next year in the alps.

    Keep your spirits up, and see you soon.

    With much love for the festive season

    Irene and Friedhelm

    PS Caroline and Frederic sends their love too.

  5. This post was read out loud in Churchend Farm’s kitchen today. It made us all smile and the pictures are just brilliant. Yes Jim, YOU ARE GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS. Love to you all xxxoxoxooxox

  6. Hey Jim,
    Think of you. Your spirit is inspiring. I know that you will overcome this hurdle, especially with all of the support you have. Looking forward to seeing you soon.


  7. I’ve decided not to wait any longer on the repair part for the magic wand, and ordered a new one from Amazon. What with all the Holidays shipping, a slight delay is anticipated, but the North Pole personnel have advised that contingency measures are in place, as they have also been in touch with the Boss (no, not Santa) THE Boss, who has assigned 3 of the most trusted agents to your case. Rest assured that even though progress may appear slow, there are forces at work behind the scenes to effect a full restoration. I am also reliably informed that not even the enormous complexity of your nurogenistical personality will be a problem. So there.

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