he is back in the room now and is working on the mobility he has in his left arm. Clearly these movements can’t be done successfully without growling like a pirate…
Daily Archives: December 1, 2013
Update 21
Update 20
this is what he was lucky enough to survive. the chassis of the truck is apparently completely broken. I don’t know what a chassis is but I think that is bad. I do know what Cassis is and its delicious!
Update 19
Dad should be back in our room on the ward this afternoon. Please give us a call at 680-6764 before stopping by just incase he is resting or we are having a tsunami of visits.
Thanks again to everyone for the unending love, support and well wishes. It has made this extended nightmare of a week so much easier.
Update 18
Dr Mahadeo just came in to give us the run down of his status. He is very pleased overall about the healing of the surgery and the setting of the plate in his neck. He is also happy that he has mobility in his left leg and some in his right, though at the moment his right leg is not useable at all. His right arm is still a concern but the fact that he has feeling and some slight movement is very promising. Jim and I have already had lengthy discussions about the merits of having a robot arm with interchangeable attachments; hook, clamp, disk, swizzle stick….the possibilities are truly endless. In fact even when he does regain full use of his arm (and he will) I think he should still have one installed anyway because it would look pretty cool. Again, I am not a doctor.
There will be lots of rehabilitation and physiotherapy required and quite a long road ahead. If anyone is able to recommend a physiotherapist that will a) be able to come do home visits and b) be able to tolerate extended amounts of daily shit talks. Please forward us some recommendations to either trudycraig@hotmail.com or tracycraig@gmail.com