Update 1 [the accident]

Jim was in a head on collision on the morning of Tuesday 26 Nov. He was driving to Chaguaramas to a site visit when a car coming at high speed in the other direction lost control and ploughed straight into his truck. The velocity of the impact along with the air bag deploying hit him very, very violently.

He sustained initial injuries to his neck and was taken to WestShore Clinic, there were certainly some aspects of his intake care there that are less than satisfactory; but this is not the space for that dialogue. After much waiting, endless back and forth and no little amount of credit to the dedicated ferocity of Trudy (his eldest and slightly less attractive daughter) its been since ascertained that his C6 in is neck is fractured and requires immediate treatment.

He never lost consciousness during or after the impact which in itself is a true testament to how strong in will and spirit he is. He has maintained a calm, meditative energy despite being in what must be inexplicable discomfort and pain.

He is, has and always will be my hero. 
