We have collectively busied ourselves as a family this past week. The sliding scale of emotion has ridden a range of peaks and valleys, that I have personally never experienced before. I am slowly learning that, that’s ok.
If I learned only one thing from my dad, it was to be flexible and open to change and to never stop trying at anything, ever.
I woke up yesterday morning heavy and forgetful of how to feel, like all healing and positivity had somehow evaporated as I slept and empty had crept back in. I am realising, that this is the most poisonous part of this cycle, because it’s so easy to recall and ponder all the buoyant bulbs of everything sad in this ocean.
Yet the universe (or insert appropriate descriptor here), is so good and we are all so blessed; within a few minutes my phone buzzed and my cousin, Alex – who is an absolute floodlight of sugary magical love rays- texted me the below observation and definition of hummingbirds.
The buoyant sadness bulbs will still float, but it was easier for me to see that hummingbirds have wings and can help us fly. We just have to keep our hearts and eyes wide open.
This morning I’ve been on hope cottage balcony enjoying the sounds and view. There are so many hummingbirds, so I decided to google the meaning of hummingbirds … Because why not … And the definition reminded me exactly of Jim
The photo of the meaning is missing but I’m so glad that the thought lifted you up, even if just a little bit, and that it came just at the right time. Universe, you’re amazing. <3 With love xoxoxooxox